Buy Commentary on the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010, 1st edition by Ritwick Dutta & Sanjeet Purohit in Ebook & Print format - LexisNexis
Commentary on the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010

Commentary on the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010

Author : Ritwick Dutta & Sanjeet Purohit

ISBN : 9789350355046



BINDING : Hardcover



The promulgation of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010 (NGT Act) has led India into the league of nations having specialised Environmental Courts with combination of both judicial and technical members for effective adjudication of environmental disputes. The tribunal has become functional with its principal Bench at Delhi and other Benches at Bhopal, Pune, Kolkata and Chennai. With increased invocation of jurisdiction of the Tribunal and transfer of cases from various High Courts to the Tribunal, a need was felt for a detailed reference book on this legislation. This book has been written with the specific intent to offer simple explanation of the provisions of the NGT Act. The relevant case laws of the Supreme Court, the High Courts and the NGT have been included as a part of the commentary to inform the readers about the judicial precedents on the said provisions. The book endeavours to reduce multiple references to different books for Bare Acts and rules on relevant environmental laws for the NGT Act by incorporating the rules framed under the NGT Act, important notifications issued under the NGT Act, the Bare Acts and rules framed under the seven statutes over which the Tribunal exercises its jurisdiction and international declarations. The book is the first commentary on the NGT Act and will certainly prove to be of significant assistance to the lawyers, academicians, activists, students and environmentally vigilant citizens of the country for better understanding of the NGT Act and effectively contribute towards a healthy environment.

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