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Moot Court and Mock Trials - Art to and Art of Advocacy: Essentials of Court Craft

Moot Court and Mock Trials - Art to and Art of Advocacy: Essentials of Court Craft

Author : Prof Dr K L Bhatia

ISBN : 9789386515148



BINDING : Paperback



The traditional system of legal education, for various reasons was not in a position to accept the challenges that came with the changing time. A new approach was then introduced by the National Law Universities which equipped the students with recent technologies, techniques & strategies for coping with the changing needs in the field of law. The ‘Court Room Exercise’ or ‘Moot Court & Mock Trial’ practice is now a part of curriculum of almost all the universities across the country. This book briefs the readers on the preparation of memorials for both national and international cases. This second edition of Moot Court & Mock Trials by Prof Dr K L Bhatia has been duly updated and revised by capturing recent cases and techniques to prepare the memorials for mooters. It would be of substantial help to the faculties and students to understand the manner and procedure of the most important aspect of legal Education.

Professor Dr. K.L. Bhatia (25 January 1945), B.A. (Hons.) (J&K); LL.B. (ILS, Pune), LL.M., Ph.D. (Pune), is a senior Professor of Law. He is former Head and Dean, Faculty of Law and founder Director, The Law School, University of Jammu; Director Amity Law School; and founder Dean and Professor Emeritus, COLS University of Petroleum and Energy Studies; Professor of Law, National Law University, Jodhpur. He has travelled in India and abroad in pursuit of academics. He has over four decades of teaching and research experience. He has authored and edited books on varied research subjects of law, both doctrinal and heuristic, including a book of poetry in both Hindi and English, and about hundred research papers published in leading legal journals of repute in India and abroad. His book on Moot Court and Mock Trial Art to and Art of Advocacy: Essentials of Court Craft (2013) is the first scholastic evinced attempt in experiential learning law. His books on Legal Language and Legal Writing, Legal Methods, Reasoning and Research Methodology, 2014 have been popular amongst the lawmen. His recent book "Supreme Court: Expounding Transformative Jurisprudence in India The Genesis of Law, Justice and Morality, 2015, espouses the analogy of Justices of the Superior Court about the Constitution of India that is a fine document of intellectual activism written in broad as well as prolific approach with splendid blissful wisdom of its framers' poetry in prose style of majestic language, which was intended not to be a seasonal textual document but was, indeed, intended to endure to bind Indian Nation State's posterity through ages. His another recent book "Constitutional and Legal Status of Jammu Kashmir", 2015, examines in depth the utility and relevance of temporary and transitory textual constitutional provision engraved in Article 370; Article 35A. A Mishmash of the Textual Constitution; utility and relevance of UNSC resolutions in the present scenario. His areas of interest are Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Human Rights, Legal Language and Legal Writing, Legal Method, Legal Reasoning and Research Methodology. He has delivered extension lectures on Legal Research Methodology and Legal Writing as a Visiting Professor at Indian Law Institute, New Delhi; International Taxation Law and Tax Negotiation Treaties, and International Trade and Economic Law as a UNDP Visiting Professor of Public Law in Africa. He is a man of three "Ls", viz., Law, Literature and Life. He is recipient of ICSSR, UGC, J&K State, UN and ILO Human Rights fellowships. He is a DAAD and Max-Planck Fellow and Alumni.

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