Buy India’s Constitution – Origins and Evolution Vol. 1 (1st Edition) by S Pal
India’s Constitution –Origins and Evolution (Constituent Assembly Debates, Lok Sabha Debates on Constitutional Amendments and Supreme Court Judgments); Vol. 1: Preamble to Article 18

India’s Constitution –Origins and Evolution (Constituent Assembly Debates, Lok Sabha Debates on Constitutional Amendments and Supreme Court Judgments); Vol. 1: Preamble to Article 18

Author : S Pal

ISBN : 9789351432005


BINDING : Hardcover



The book provides a comprehensive overview of the evolution of the provisions of India’s Constitution. It offers an article-wise analysis of the Constitution in light of the following:

  1. Constituent Assembly Debates (CAD): Where members of the Constituent Assembly questioned and challenged each other on the proposed Articles in the Draft Constitution from 1948 until January 1950.
  2. Draft Constitution: Presented by the Drafting Committee for consideration by the Constituent Assembly on November 4, 1948.
  3. Lok Sabha Debates: On Constitutional Amendments.
  4. Important Supreme Court Judgments.

The analysis of each Article in the Constitution includes:

  • Overview: The author’s comments on the evolution of the Article.
  • Articles in the Constitution of India: The text of the current Article.
  • Corresponding Article in the Draft Constitution: The text from the Draft Constitution.
  • Relevant Extracts from the CAD: Pertinent excerpts from the Constituent Assembly Debates.
  • Relevant Extracts from Lok Sabha Debates on Constitutional Amendment Acts: Important excerpts from debates on amendments.
  • Essential Extracts from Supreme Court Judgments: Key excerpts from Supreme Court rulings.

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