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Shorter Constitution of India

Shorter Constitution of India

Author : D D Basu

ISBN : 9788131265284

EDITION : 16th


BINDING : Hardcover



Great Author, Shri Durga Das Basu has left a legacy of Constitutionalism in India and his work, “Shorter Constitution of India” in two volumes is a quintessential commentary on the Constitution of India, which finds its presence, without exaggeration, in almost every lawyers’ and judges’ office, as also in libraries. It is a classic text thoroughly revised and comprehensively updated with leading case law on the subject, both by the Supreme Court and various High Courts. This new edition will greatly assist all those who are connected with the practice, study and application of Constitutional Law, in keeping themselves abreast with the judicial precedents as well as in refreshing their legal acumen with principles and concepts of Constitutional law.

Key Features:

  • A peerless and admired reference work on the Constitution of India
  • Quoted as reference in numerous Supreme Court judgments, as well as, over 100 High Court judgments dating back to 1958
  • Breaks down the complexities of the lengthiest constitution in the world with its comprehensive yet lucid approach
  • Contains critical analysis of important judgments and recent legislative developments
  • An essential aid for judges, lawyers, professionals, research scholars, academicians, policy makers, governance authorities, students, and all those interested in understanding Constitutional law in India

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