Buy Now: The Law of Torts eBook by Ratanlal & Dhirajlal
The Law of Torts

The Law of Torts

Author : Akshay Sapre

ISBN : INK8119403059

EDITION : 29th

BINDING : Paperback



Ratanlal and Dhirajlal’s classic work on The Law of Torts is the most authoritative, wellacknowledged

and comprehensive commentary on the subject. First published in 1897, this legal

classic has withstood the test of time, and served the legal profession and everyone associated

with it, for over a century. Its appeal has not withered but has only grown with the passage of time.

The simple and lucid way of writing makes this work useful not only for judges, lawyers and law

students, but also for those from fields other than law.

Key Features:

• Captures, discusses and, analyses the evolution of fundamental principles such as occupier’s

liability, polluter’s strict liability, duty of care et al

• Latest judgments dealing with constitutional torts, developments in principles of vicarious

liability, negligence, nuisance etc. have been elaborately discussed

• Also includes judgments pertaining to arbitrability of tortious disputes and judicial forums

for seeking tortious remedies

• The law on apprehended or future nuisance has been examined along with the concept of

Quia Timet injunction

• A short section on the ‘forums for tortious claims’ is added to the commentary for benefit of

readers to identify the forum for tortious claims

• An additional value add is a concise yet comprehensive summary, at the end of the

commentary, consisting important case law references

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